## Terminal Stuff
* [x] `$ brew upgrade bat fzf git heroku hokusai hub macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn`
* [x] `$ replug`
* [x] `$ asdf update && asdf plugin-update --all && asdf reshim`
* […
Alfred 4.0.6
macOS 10.15.2
## Terminal Stuff
* [x] `$ brew upgrade bat fzf git heroku hokusai hub macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn`
* [x] `$ replug`
* [x] `$ asdf update && asdf plugin-update --all && asdf reshim`
* […
# Please note we will close your issue without comment if you delete, do not read or do not fill out the issue checklist below and provide ALL the requested information. If you repeatedly fail to use …
0.16.1-beta升级到 0.17.5-beta后,原有配置文件失效,开始以为配置文件有问题,反复修改检查,发现并无异常,并且在clashx上反复验证都一切正常,一一排除问题发现是升级新版本后出现的问题,再刷回老版本,一切问题都消失了,估计新版本升级的同时也有部分冲突产生了,我不懂技术只是从科学上网的角度看问题,比较肤浅了,谢谢解答一下,加油!
## Terminal Stuff
* [x] `$ brew upgrade bat fzf git heroku hokusai hub macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn`
* [x] `$ replug`
* [x] `$ asdf update && asdf plugin-update --all && asdf reshim`
* […
# Version 2.0
v1.3.8.* 大概会是最后一个 v1 版本了
Version 2.0 将会包含以下功能更新
## 核心交互
- [x] 支持自选的 v2ray 路径
- [x] (希望在主机列表按下 Enter 键可以连接当前选中的代理)纯键盘操作
## 连接编辑
- [x] 路由添加
- [x]…
ghost updated
4 years ago
## Terminal Stuff
* [x] `$ brew upgrade bat fzf git heroku hokusai hub macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn`
* [x] `$ replug`
* [x] `$ asdf update && asdf plugin-update --all && asdf reshim`
* […
When I visit a page without HTTPS, just like http://bbs.pcbeta.com/forum-win10-1.html, the web page may display garbled characters or Automatic download page file (forum-win10-1.html). The…