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In a custom LaTeX template it is not possible to have a default document class which can also be overridden from the command line. Pandoc always applies `article` rather than in this example `scrartcl…
When converting from Markdown to a beamer `.tex` file, the reference slide isn't created correctly. If the Markdown file ends with:
# References {.allowframebreaks}
the resulting `.tex` file…
Hi there, I was trying to create frame with a picture as the background so I use:
> {\usebackgroundtemplate{
> \begin{picture}(100,280)
> \includegraphics[width=.7\paperwidth]{pic…
I'm trying to find where is loaded the hyperref package in beamer template. But `pandoc -D beamer | grep hyperref` does not give me any `\usepackage{hyperref}` or similiar. Related to this [quest…
ghost updated
8 years ago
**Problem**: when `\clubpenalty=10000` and/or `\widowpenalty=10000` in the preamble, the bibliography starts one page later than it should (i.e. leaves a blank page above — in the …
why I can not output it to pdf correct? I can output English pdf correct.
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{xeCJK}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setCJKmainfont{SimSun}
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Can one of you, perhaps @dill as you have used the HTML slide classes in RStudio more than me, push a file with a basic YAML header with everything needed for using the HTML slides class we want to u…
I installed pandoc with brew on OS X (v1.16.0.2), and when I try to tab complete, I get not-very-useful behavior:
$ ll
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jon staff 0 1 Mar 14:19 File 1 A B.txt
-rw-r--r-- …
in the preview window it shows an error about a missing fragment.png