See ga-wdi-boston/sql-diagnostic#127
Perhaps use something like the script runner from the talks.
gaand updated
7 years ago
Current implementation of RFECV selects the number of features that achieve optimal score (e.g., accuracy, r2).
This can lead to a greedy behavior and i feel it would be useful to have a "One-standar…
**1. Boston house price prediction.**
**2. Iris flower identification.**
**3. Stock price predictor.**
**4. Titanic Survival prediction**
**5. Any standard project of your choice.**
If passed a list, could tpf.plot() return a movie?
(Request from Boston Hack day)
[Boat Excise Abatement Form_tcm3-9220.pdf](https://github.com/joshuagee/Forms/files/394336/Boat.Excise.Abatement.Form_tcm3-9220.pdf)
Contact: Matthew Englander matthew.englander@boston.gov
Online: http://www.cityofboston.gov/Parking/portal.asp
Contact: Paul Crimmins, paul.crimmins@boston.gov
PDF: [SLBE application 11-3_tcm3-52437.pdf](https://github.com/joshuagee/Forms/files/398100/SLBE.application.11-3_tcm3-52437.pdf)
Contact: Shaina Aubourg shaina.aubourg@boston.gov
### Name
Chirag Nemani
### Email Address
### Email Addresses of Team Members
1. S.Jaitapkar001@umb.edu 2. Ishaan.Panchal001@umb.edu 3. Shivam.Juneja001@umb.edu
### Project De…
Updated to a newer version of R-studio (version 1.2.5001) and re-installed R version 3.6.1 and RStudio kept indicating the was a 'fatal error' in R and aborted. Received the above error. when set comp…