Evaluation of template in parallel with gslab_scons module in https://github.com/gslab-econ/gslab_python/issues/16.
Both small template (`master`) and large template (`large_template`).
Leave …
I'm working on a custom likelihood function for PyMC3 (Attempting to fit a conditional logistic regression.)
The likelihood requires summing values **_by group**_. In R we have the "ave()" function,…
It depends on same issue
I cannot build Parallel Distributed Stable version
added this
A rough outline and ordering of topics. This is just my basic off-top-of head idea so I won;t be offended if you don't agree.
I was thinking that the theory with some small examples to illustrate and…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Create a file with these contents and run `go test -race`:
package main
import _ "testing"
What is the expected output?
What do you …
Our group is using gbm survival models more and so I am motivated to contribute a solid fix to this. I have C code that is rock solid, it may require a bit of input from you all to convert it to C++.…
These two performance measures are essential, particularly in external validation studies. Several guidelines and textbooks on clinical prediction modellling recommend them, for example:
Installation does not work on Linux Mint.
[11:46:27] $ sudo pip3 install -U git+https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc3.git
The directory '/home/marco/.cache/pip/http' or its parent direct…
I am interesting in using isoscm for some survival analyses. We have RNA-seq data from tumor samples, where we would like to get a quantitative measurement of APA (3'UTR-shortening) on a gene…