Can we use osg and osgconv along with the threejs, because i want to export my models to the threejs, my models are in Blender (.blend),Collada (.dae),Wavefront (.obj),FBX (.fbx), Design Web Form…
Can we user osg and osgconv along with the threejs, because i want to export my models to the threejs, my models are in Blender (.blend),Collada (.dae),Wavefront (.obj),FBX (.fbx), Design Web For…
ax = plt.axes(projection=PlateCarree())
# Works OK
ax.set_extent((-40, 40, -30, 30))
# Crashes
ax.set_extent((-180, 180, -90, 90))
File ".../cartopy/mpl_integration/geoaxes.py", line 244, in…
I am getting thiserror after last update..
=> Exited with code: 8
I20140313-01:18:20.739(2)? TempStore: /var/folders/sf/tg3x3x855xl6yc_xk4dzx_jh0000gn/T/cfs
W20140313-01:18:20.801(2)? (STDERR)
ghost updated
10 years ago
When I try to change base url and header I get this error after your last two commits..
W20140301-21:32:17.194(2)? (STDERR) /Users/catsoft/.meteor/tools/f3947a4651/lib/node_modules/fibers/fu…
ghost updated
10 years ago
At the moment, the HAVE_PROJ4JS constant is set when the library is loaded, in other words, there is a dependency that proj be loaded before ol. ISTM though that this requirement is unnecessary. The c…
I get small projection artefacts when drawing polygons. The source is a shapefile in epsg:27700 (osgb), and the destination is spherical mercator.
transformWrite: function (fileObj, readStream, writeStream) {
gm(readStream, fileObj.name).resize('36', '36').stream().pipe(writeStream);
This create the file on the filesystem but don…
ghost updated
10 years ago
UTC maps: zoom and selection functions no longer working - investigate reason
Parkmap viewer: popups are not working but they do work on the manager; why?
Parking enforcement car map: has issues; thin…
It would be nice to unify the interface to draw graticules for all projections under the same API.
e.g. make it possible to use the same interface to add autoscaling axis artists for both osgb and pla…