I trained the centerpoint model using the official KITTI dataset and evaluated the inference without any issues. Then I converted my dataset to the KITTI dataset format. Training was fine, inference w…
Congratulations on this great work!
I am wondering if your work is only for 2D or it has an implementation for 3D as well?
If it's not available for 3D, what are the changes, that needs to be d…
1- I download VXL from github.
2- then create a folder for the VXL libraries( “C:\vxl”). Inside that folder create two more:
A sources folder "C:\vxl\vxl_source"
A binary folder "C:\vx…
Hello @eigenvivek, thanks for sharing the code for your awesome work !
I have a query regarding the calculation of the mean Target Registration Error (mTRE) as discussed in your arXiv paper compared…
Are you still working on this or it is finished?
I was get inspired by your paper and would like to see results.
Just curious :-)
See: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/contributing/development/compiling/optimizing_for_size.html#disabling-3d
@MrPingQi 你好,我想知道如何运行A_main.m才能出现GUI界面;另外想请教下如何对RGB图像和红外图像进行配准多谢😁
Not an issue so much as a question: in phase 2." Preparing input tile configuration files", what is that file shown as an example? What is it called? What is stored in the `ch0.json` file? Do I need t…
Hi, thanks for your excellent work,it's really impressive. I am unfamiliar with CMake C++ build pipelines. Can you provide the pre-compiled Windows executables (.exe) of the following tools in your re…
## Description
One of my major goals for this year (this statement will come back to bite me I'm sure!) is to add registration capabilities to scikit-image. Registration should at a minimum work in…