uint8_t MPU6050::dmpGetLinearAccel(VectorInt16 _v, VectorInt16 *vRaw, VectorFloat *gravity) {
// get rid of the gravity component (+1g = +8192 in standard DMP FIFO packet, sensitivity is 2g)
I cannot find it in the docs.
I'm 73 years old and trying to keep sharp by playing with interesting things, but I have a problem – I am working with I2Cdevlib and have some things from the package running, but am having a problem …
Hi, I just tried to connect, and the switch seemingly recognizes a new controller, but as soon as I try to send a command, connection is lost:
[14:32:53] joycontrol.device set_name::69 INFO - setti…
Hi all,
I have a "6pack CNC Controller external driver" board over here... It is originally designed by the creator of FluidNC and developer of grbl-ESP32 [bdring](https://github.com/bdring).
As f…
I think the MPU6050_DMP6 code it's the best code for that sensor because it give x, y and z angles with precision.
But if I want to use the MPU sensor with others methods (to move servos, calcul…
I'm trying to compile a project that does an `#include `.
In the dependency scan, ino picks the wrong library:
`$ find /usr/share/arduino/libraries -name SPI.h`:
I have a strange situation using your library to read inclination angle on a motorbike.
Below I made the same experiment at the same time on the same part of a road, in red with my smartphone…
Hello, I'm using MPU6050 Lib (wire lib) and u8g2 lib (Software SPI)
Arduino Mega 2560
Wiring : MPU 6050 on SDA Pin 20/SCL Pin 21/Interrupt Pin 2. Glcd Screen on 3,8,9.
MPU 6050 Sketch works rea…