**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. docker pull vinanrra/7dtd-server
2. create folder 'my_server' in de…
splat4.png has no green value:
$ npx tsx tools/print-png-pixel-stat.ts .../AppData/Roaming/7DaysToDie/GeneratedWorlds/Dozogofi\ Territory/splat4.png
red,gre,blu,alp: count
0, 0, 0, …
While testing a set of mods I found that I would start getting NREs near water and narrowed it down to A Better Life Mod. I have used this mod in the past without issue but have tried it in 1.0+ unti…
Hi apparently the bot spams the discord more than i want when players leave or join the game. other than removing the addon is there a way round this ?
Not sure if I'm just missing something or what, but the following error shows when I start the game.
2024-07-16T22:14:23 3.275 INF [MODS] Initializing mod OcbStopFuelWaste
Quest system is no longer compatible with Version 1.0
**Describe the bug**
Tried to start a server with the following Compose file:
image: vinanrra/7dtd-server
container_name: 7dtdserver
**Describe the bug**
Whenever I open the vortex 7D2D, it A. doesn't show saves in the vortex launcher, and B. saves all files to C:\Program\Saves instead of the 7D2D fie location
### Discussed in https://github.com/vinanrra/Docker-7DaysToDie/discussions/245
Originally posted by **captainlogan1** June 24, 2024
This only occurs for me directly after a 5AM backup, causing…