I get the error below when trying to setup my Nano Every. Isnt the Nano Every an AVR board?
`#error "This library supports only AVR and ESP8266 Boards."`
Servo library allows to control a servo by sending pulses to the servo. Using the library with UNO R3 gives correct results : a constant pulse duration in `myservo.write (int)` gives a stable servo po…
Are there any plans to support the Arduino Nano Every? I just got one and was annoyed that FastAccelStepper doesn't work on it (I somehow did not notice that it uses a different processor from the Ard…
Hi all,
I am having trouble using this library with my Arduino Uno Wifi Rev.2 (I am using a [Sparkfun shield](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9947)). I am trying to run the "board_qc" example on …
Hi guys, we have bought the newest arduino nano every for our IOT projects and to monitoring houses consumptions.
However, we have seen that your library does not yet support these models...
The a…
Great work - purchased from your Tindie store, and using for my DeepSleepr project!
Oddly though, in MP Lab X the kit comes up as having a ATmega4809 connected - it's actually on an Attiny414.
### Describe the problem
The handling of unused configuration fuse bits changed in version 6.2 of the AVRDUDE tool used for uploading to the boards of this platform:
THe OneWire_direct_gpio.h file contains code like:
#if defined(__AVR__)
#define PIN_TO_BASEREG(pin) (portInputRegister(digitalPin…
I got the following error:
Error: programmer atmelice_updi and part ATmega4809 have no programming modes in common
use -c? -p ATmega4809 to see all possible programmers for ATmega4809
Randomly, the firmware will refuse to boot, rendering the device unusable until a re-flash is done.
Flash dump indicates that the firmware is still in flash, unmodified and uncorrupted.
T_RST pi…