Hi, thanks for your time and effort in developing Brainpy. It's a great tool to use.
However, when reading the [brainpy examples](https://github.com/brainpy/examples), I found different tutorial fi…
- [x] Check for duplicate issues.
- [x] Provide a complete example of how to reproduce the bug, wrapped in triple backticks like this:
- [x] If applicable, include full error messages/tracebacks.
The example code of function brain.math.ifelse() seems not work. The function is located at brainpy/_src/math/object_transform/controls.py
The example of doc doesn't work either, which is located at…
- [x] Check for duplicate issues.
- [x] Provide a complete example of how to reproduce the bug, wrapped in triple backticks like this:
When passing `brainpy.conn.All2All(include_self=False)` into …
There is an error when I run the file [highdim_RNN_Analysis.py](https://github.com/brainpy/BrainPy/blob/master/examples/dynamics_analysis/highdim_RNN_Analysis.py). The error is on the following line w…
- [x] Check for duplicate issues.
- [x] Provide a complete example of how to reproduce the bug, wrapped in triple backticks like this:
- [x] If applicable, include full error messages/tracebacks.
- [x] Check for duplicate requests.
- [x] Describe your goal, and if possible provide a code snippet with a motivating example.
The current brainpy transformations can only trace ``Vari…
- [x] Check for duplicate issues.
- [x] Provide a complete example of how to reproduce the bug, wrapped in triple backticks like this:
- [x] If applicable, include full error messages/tracebacks.
- [x] Check for duplicate issues.
- [x] Provide a complete example of how to reproduce the bug, wrapped in triple backticks like this:
- [x] If applicable, include full error messages/tra…
I use brainpy 2.4.1 and python 3.10.10 on WSL2 Ubuntu. I'm trying to replicate decision-making network based on firing rate. The following code is from "Neural Computation Modeling in Actio…