To ensure both parties see this, we wrote this in-depth here: https://github.com/csstools/postcss-extend-rule/issues/14. However, for the sake of continuity I have pasted the same contents b…
Is there a way to integrate the isomorphic style loader with the extract text plugin, which I currently use on prod?
Also, how could you include many styles to single component? (for instance, in my r…
Installs/deployments no longer seem to be working. They typically complain about apim-developer-portal being missing:
npm ERR! Failed at the apim-developer-portal@1.2.0 publish script.
I have the following model (with omitted sensitive info):
class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :file,
:styles => { :thumb => ["100x100>", ".png"] },
:path => "/app/#{ Rai…
The Vue Transformer allows a `src` attribute to be applied to the ``, ``, and `` elements in order to load these assets from an external file. However, when doing so, it ignores the `lang` attribute i…
I have a simple gulp process:
`gulp.task('css', () => {
const plugins = [
output: {
path: dirs.dest + '/components',
return gulp.src('…
the old notion of style not being cached is not necessarily true anymore in fact this advice is rather obsolete these days. p…
### Discussed in https://github.com/aralroca/next-translate/discussions/1136
Originally posted by **crs1138** August 17, 2023
## Problem Description
I've got some weird behaviour and I'm stru…
This plugin does a great job.
Here's a feature request to please add support to convert css link tags to async/preload tags
for example convert
npm i is success
npm run client is failed
ERROR in ./src/client/styles/index.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].use[1]!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleS…