Just wanted to thank you for this awesome project. I tested your esp32 example yaml on EspHome. Worked like magic! No issues.
However, As per my project requirement, i cannot use ESPhome. I wa…
When trying to generate the IntelliSense configuration in `c_cpp_properties.json`, I get this error:
This makes the extension pretty much unusable since no IntelliSense info is there - might as w…
### Board
### Device Description
DEV board
### Hardware Configuration
### Version
latest master (checkout manually)
### IDE Name
### Operating System
### Fl…
### What happened?
I have try the manual from the WLED compile helper site to compile my one WLED bin.
But it is not working.
I ~~become~~ get this error:
espressif ESP32 (Board: Dev Module or M5Stack) provides logging by macros reacting to the "Core Debug Level" board setting.
(https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json, v…
Hi -
I am repurposing a generic white label Tuya sensor by changing the BK7231 module out for an ESP32-C3 module, and running custom Ardunio code. The sensors I have use a CHT83**10** chip.
I f…
`U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_4W_HW_SPI display1(U8G2_R0, /* cs=*/ 5, /* dc=*/ 2, /* reset=*/ 4);`
Doesn't allow the user to define the MOSI and SCLK pins in the constructor.
It is es…
Per title - I have a couple of boards on test for a few days as I learn more with HomeSpan, and one continually stops outputting or responding on the serial port debug after between 8-16 hours (doesn'…
## Environment
- Development Kit: NODE32S
- Kit version 1.1
- Module or chip used: ESP32-WROOM-32
- Build System: MAKE
- Operating System: Windows
- Power Supply: Tried…
Seems to be a problem with the spi interface.
Arduino IDE Version 2.0.3.
After upload a sketch I get this output log:
Build:Mar 27 2021
rst:0x7 (TG0WDT_SYS_RST),boot…