hi, when I test sh run_step_by_step_example.sh 4 config/mnist_lr/fedml_config.yaml, found below error which cause timeout
Is the MLOps Platform open source? Or can I run the platform on my own server?
Thanks so much
When using fed_cifar100 in centralized settings, I encountered a bug. In the file `fedml/data/data_loader.py`, line 559 constructs the `test_data_local_dict` in the following way:
``` python
Hello, I have a question.Do you implement the Fedadagrad, FedYogi, FedAdam algorithm of the paper "Adaptive Federated Optimization" in the code fedopt?
Hi @chaoyanghe, If I want to customize the federated learning algorithm in simulated version instead of using the existing algorithms like fedavg, fednova, etc., what should I do? t=Thanks for your an…
The parameter list in MultiE…
in fedml_api folder, fedopt's FedOptClientManager and FedOptTrainer are almost same to those of fedavg. But, in fedopt paper, clients should return the delta weights to server. Btw, server optimizer i…
I found a problem in "FedML/Python/app/fedcv/object_detection/runs/train/exp/log_0.txt"
client_indexes = [0, 1]
receive_message. msg_type = 0, sender_id = 0, receiver_id = 0
Cannot …