Since not all of the world is speaking English, having i18n (or as @svetlemodry said [internationalization](http://www.i18nguy.com/origini18n.html)) would be really good.
Right now, https://github.co…
This topic is dedicated to sharing useful pipes that enhances the sampler experience on GNU/Linux/Ubuntu. Don't hesistate to share! Here are mines:
_Requires: aha, html2text_
I noticed an odd bug when Converting an `` tag containing:
- A hyphen in the src
- A src longer than 74 characters
Converting a `` tag with a src of 74 characters or less works fine
> # Note the…
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### Plugin …
Out[53]: '** ¥ 0.00 **\n\n'
423 h.ignore_images=ignore_images
424 …
With some HTML like:
matched text
Some text which is missing.
only the text of the `a` tag is matched but not the text beyong (the HTML snippet corresponds…
it seems that the `HTML2Text` class is a subclass of `_markupbase.ParserBase`, which requires subclasses to implement their own `error()` method. When I am trying to parse some HTML that is throwing…
After a quick search in the code using the next flake8 command: `flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics` I didn't follow any python3 issue. So, in my opinion openlex might …
└─# sudo ./ip_doxx.sh -u https://www.youtube.com/ -t 1
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⠟⣛⣽⡳⠼⠄⠈⣷⡾⣥⣱⠃⠣⣿⣿⣿⣯⣭⠽⡇⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⢢⠏ |_ $$_/| $$__ $$
On Mac
MacBook-Pro-de-Christopher:data chris$ ever2simple --output everout/ cmannnotes.enex
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/ever2simple", line 9, in