Les objets sont utilisés pour stocker des collections d'informations / données variées.
En JavaScript, absolument TOUT est objet. Il est primordial de les comprendre avant d'aller plus loin.
Do you know if your code work in any langage, like french with accent for example.
I am a developper on that langages, could you add them to your plugin.
RPG ile
Control langage
Hi @lorenzschmid! Thank you for this very useful workflow! I was wondering how I could search in one other langage? (in fr). I already have a DuckDuckGo web search in French but I would like to have …
07:39 ~/src/dedukti ((HEAD détachée sur 5990bc6c)) make install
File "dune-project", line 3, characters 14-17:
3 | (using menhir 2.0)
Warning: Version 2.0 of the menhir …
Alors voilà un joli petit bout de code en Javascript pour enlever le dernier élément d'un Array.
Les naïfs diront de faire un `pile_de_crepes.pop()` mais c'est trop simple.
Donc je suis parti pl…
I haven't found how to direcly contact you so i use this issue. I want to help you about this plugin by providing the French support. Where should I add the translations ?
En corrigeant un problème soulevé par Joelle ce weekend, j'ai vu que certaines appellations n'étaient pas homogènes.
![capture d ecran 2014-12-09 a 16 36 34](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets…
Hi kakopappa,
Thank you so much for your API and all software already done. It's works fine but I m using Alexa in French langage so i would like to know if is it possible de translate to be complian…
Might interest @LudovicPatho and @ValerianThomas for the AI class.