The current version of `piecash` (0.18.0) requires `requests` but that package is not listed in `install_requires` so it is not installed automatically.
> pip install piecash
Collecting pi…
My GnuCash database is on a PostgreSQL server. My user account has access to the GnuCash database (named "gnucash") but not the "postgres" database.
When I call `open_book`, `piecash` attempts to c…
I just wanted to point out an error I found in the online documentation.
See https://piecash.readthedocs.io/en/master/tutorial/index_existing.html .
It says regarding backups "When opening in ful…
I'd like to use ledger with short account names rather than showing full hierarchies. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing quite what happens when I call `piecash/ledger`, so I'm not seeing how to create a …
The sql cases which are running are all caps, the db is all lower case.
> SELECT gnclock."Hostname", gnclock."PID"
the actual columns are simply `gnlock.hostname` and `gnlock.pid`
I fear this…
With accounts having mixed type childs, account.get_balance will add all child balances as positive values, irrespective of child type. IE ASSETS amounts will be added to LIABILITIES, giving incorrect…
This project are dead? Any update?
There is only new version of "splits" table:
gnucash=> select table_name, table_version from versions where table_name = 'splits';
table_name | table_version
Exporting to ledger refers to commodities only by symbol, i.e. `commodity AUD`.
Adding the namespace (exchange) might be useful, especially for shares. I already have a case where a fund moved from…
During the export of commodity transactions, the records include only the amounts and commodities but not the price: `100 USD @@ 50 EUR`.
Even though the information is redundant to ledger, it might …
I have GnuCash 3.7 and opening the sqlite file fails with `ValueError: Unsupported table versions`. This seems to be caused by an update in the database schema. See below for details:
sqlite> …