Since [serenity#2194](https://github.com/serenity-rs/serenity/pull/2194) the cached messages of a channel can be exposed in the event handler but still is missing from poise's ChannelDelete event
Hello, I was scheduled these days and something came to my mind that I believe would be a good addition
A way to have a struct that is initially defined in the before command and goes through all t…
With serenity i add things with TypeMapKey etc but i couldn't find similar example or figure out same for poise. Should i just wrap user data to Arc? I played with that a little but that seems to tri…
This is a pretty useful thing to have for developing a bot. If it exists in this library, I haven't found it. The main crate doc page mentions the differences between local and global commands, but I …
An example on slash commands that is cleaned up and streamlined for basic commands in functions.
Like showing how to migrate a command that is currently called by `~avatar @user` into `/avatar @user`…
It appears that subcommands (specifically for slash commands, using the `command` macro in my case) are somehow implemented, but the only times I can see them mentioned in the documentation (on the pa…
I've noticed that `poise` uses `println!` as well as `eprintln!`.
This is bad, because this can't make use of a log backend like `env_logger` which formats logs in a nice way. This might lead to case…
Working on a command framework to automatically accept message and slash commands, but Serenity/Rust is making this so much harder than I thought it would.
UNObot (C# via Discord.NET) has a generic…
when https://github.com/serenity-rs/serenity/pull/1921 gets merged, how will this library handle localizations?
The docs on owners i can find are
owners_only: Restricts command callers to the list of owners specified in framework options