`@wix/cli` logs in successfully
Repository is checked out ok
Crashes when running `wix publish --source remote -y`
- Creating a preview...
✖ Creating a preview failed
✖ Failed to deploy si…
This issue is about publishing HeFQUIN releases using [GitHub Packages as a Maven repository](https://docs.github.com/en/packages/working-with-a-github-packages-registry/working-with-the-apache-maven-…
The output of this task is to publish Java SDK distroless variants:
- apache/beam_java17_sdk_distroless
- apache/beam_java21_sdk_distroless
### Self Checks
- [X] This is only for bug report, if you would like to ask a question, please head to [Discussions](https://github.com/langgenius/dify/discussions/categories/general).
- [X] I have s…
https://crates.io/crates/pn is still available, but it is likely to get taken quickly.
Honestly I feel like https://crates.io/crates/pnpm might be a better name, and this will eventually become a d…
Consider publishing containers of the backend and frontend webservers to a container registry so the app can be easily deployed in a container-based environment like Kubernetes.
**Describe The Bug:**
The plugin template README says:
> ```# publish to @beta```
> ```npm publish --tag=beta```
However that "=" causes `npm` to publish with tag `latest`.
**Expected behavio…
_Issue description rewritten by @jgiannuzzi_
Python wheels for major platforms (linux-amd64, linux-arm64, macos-amd64, macos-arm64, windows-amd64) should be published automatically when a release i…
is there a chance this app will be published on the FOSS-Appstore '[F-Droid](https://f-droid.org/)'? Even in its beta-state?
Self-explanatory. It'd be nice to have types delivered natively with this package, but we could also go the [`DefinitelyTyped` route](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped), as well.