The NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) Program (https://datacommons.cancer.gov/) is developing data standards for submitting data to the CRDC ecosystem. As part of this effort, the CRDC Data Sta…
> need to better explain/reference the DICOM DIR model
CHK0099: The StudyDesign has a StudyIntervention.
This StudyIntervention is a Procedure.
The StudyIntervention has AgentAdministration.
AgentAdminstration has a name, label, and description.
The A…
New Label: Background Radiation
New Definition: The ambient radiation in a defined environment emanating from natural or anthropogenic sources.
Children: anthropogenic background radiation, natu…
Hi @krchristie @zoependlington @paolaroncaglia
I think, given the timing it would be best if we could both approach the 'response to' terms in a systematic way rather than as part of sporadic tick…
## VA Lighthouse API Feature Request
⚠️ Please read before submitting: As this is a public forum, please do not include any sensitive information (such as your VA API OAuth Client ID, VA API OAuth …
## **Category-by-Category Mapping: Epic vs. Salesforce Health Cloud**
### 1. **Cardiology (Epic Cupid)**
- **Epic Features**:
- Supports invasive and non-invasive procedures.