Hello to all. I have a shelly1 with ravencore because I use it as a lock for the gate. How can I configure it with haa? It's the only device I still keep with ravencore because I can't set it ... than…
Hi all,
I realised i've raised questions to a case that has been closed.
Upgrade from RavenCore to HAA #686
How do I configure HAA dev…
Questa guida permette di eseguire l’upgrade automatico dal firmware RavenCore al nuovo HAA.
Qualsiasi sia la versione del firmware RavenCore installata sul dispositivo, l'aggiorna…
GPL71 updated
4 years ago
how to make several accessories can be moved to different rooms in the homekit. in ravencore firmware this feature is implemented, please help with the right code
Hello. One of my sonoff basic with RavenCore 1.1.1 started to appear as “no response” in HomeKit.
The physical switch works, but can’t control it remotely (for example I wanted to do a reboot through…
I still find HAA too complicated for generic use. Setup is too advanced and prone to errors.
Huge flexibility and extra features come at multiple disadvantages compared to RC like:
- You need to kno…
Ravencore support SONOFF Mini Two Way Smart Switch For Smart Home Can Work With An External Switch?
please, see this link:
Is it possible to flash a device that is running Tasmota with esp-HomeKit-devices OTA? When I try to upgrade the firmware with main.bin from HAA I get an error: “ Magic byte is not 0xE9”. Thanks for a…
When I acces the Ap first time, it loads a blank site, I can’t see the networks
I have reset and re flashes the chip. Any ideas?
RavenCore was pulled too soon, it was working fine for many people, also it needs less knowledge to work with.
HAA and json are confusing, also lacking support from community, for example no one answ…