## 简介
> 本质都是为了解决异步action的问题
Redux Saga可以理解为一个和系统交互的常驻进程,其中,Saga可简单定义如下:
Saga = Worker + Watcher
- saga的应用场景是复杂异步,如长时事务`LLT(long live transcation)`等业务场景。
- 方便测试,可以使用takeEv…
## redux数据流向
redux本身不支持异步action,所以使用redux-thunk 或 redux-saga
## redux-thunk
### Steps to reproduce
function* watchStuff() {
while (true) {
try {
yield call(delay, 1000);
} catch (err) {
## Zustand와 Redux에 대해 issue를 작성하게 된 계기
최근 당근마켓 프론트엔드 모집 글을 읽다가 상태관리 툴의 예시로 zustand를 보지 못하여 😭
혹시 제가 쉬운 길만 고집하느라 Redux를 사용하지 않은 것인가 하는 혼자만의 생각에 빠진 찰나 조사해보게 되었습니다.
@robtaussig I love the library you built and how it handles a lot of the additional work of reconnecting, etc.
We use `redux-saga` extensively in our application for side effects and I'd love to …
I've been using https://github.com/jfairbank/redux-saga-test-plan extensively in a project for easier testing purposes. Seems that `typed-redux-saga` breaks our tests since the API doesn't work with g…
## Redux是什么
在介绍 **redux** 之前,我们先来了解下目前前端最火的框架之一 — **react**
在[ react 官网](https://react.docschina.org/)上,我们可以看到其介绍是
> 用于构建用户界面的 JavaScript 库
也就是说 react 本质上是一个 JavaScript 的库,是创建UI接口的视图层框架
Imagine a function working together to support redux-saga.
const payload = yield call(chimera, ajaxParams);
I've reached a number of dead ends implementing redux-bees and I'm struggling to find a way forward due to two core issues. First, let me explain my requirements:
1. I want to consume a JSON-API
The state of remix is too complicated for `useReducer` to handle it. Redux + Redux-Saga is a better solution, which I'v already tried in the new LearnEth plugin.
Check this https://github.com/draf…