User Story:
User is able to enter a video for AWS Rekognition through their webcam.
We can integrate services like Rekognition, Tensorflow or native flutter AI libraries to filter non-IDs or bad pictures and ask the user to take another picture.
I'm trying to detect labels in a streaming video but the stream processor goes from STARTING state to STOPPED state. It seems not to reach RUNNING state at any moment.
If MaxDurationInSeconds is se…
HTTPResponse:{"__type":"MissingAuthenticationTokenException","message":"Missing Authentication Token"}
Error:400: Bad Request
at AWS_Rekognition.SUB_DetectLabels (CallRest : 'Call REST (POST)')
Analyse the image and detect known objects (such as apple, milk, carrots).
To look into if suitable for this task: https://aws.amazon.com/rekognition/
- Rekognition のデモで得られるレスポンスと中身がだいぶ違うのが謎
- リクエストの出し方で制御できるものも何もないので基本的に対策がない
### Description
When you setup your Asset Volume in settings, if you are using an environment variable for the `Subfolder` field Rekognition will fail. If you replace the variable with the exact te…
Tasks to be completed by this week -
- Interface Pi cam with Raspberry and testing of Image quality
- Transfer that image to S3 via Kinesis
- Transfer the image stored in S3 to Rekognition via La…
This is a standing issue for tracking potential libraries and API services to wrap in pliers.
**Multimodal/major APIs**
- [ ] Amazon Rekognition
- [x] Microsoft Azure APIs
- [x] [Li…