Have you considered supporting STOMP over websockets, which most AMQP/STOMP brokers are starting to support? For Java apps integrating over the open internet, running stomp over websockets/wss on stan…
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project jms-benchmark-stomp: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.fusesourc…
I can't seem to get this working with stomp over SSL and the more I look at it I'm not even sure it's supported.
I'm currently try to do
let wsProtocol = (location.protocol === 'https:') ? …
Added first #99e2dd0 pass to the new sound branch for stomping sounds!
Need feedback before implementing
Was trying to do a benchmark, and for some reason I randomly get this error
Shouldn't I be able to catch this error (without modifying the class)?
Basically, I think the throw new Er…
Would it be possible to forward the `disconnect` and `connect` events from the stompClient?
In lib/adapters/stomp.js, the `error` event is being forwarded from within CreateStomp, but the oth…
Was trying to do a benchmark, and for some reason I randomly get this error
Shouldn't I be able to catch this error (without modifying the class)?
Basically, I think the throw new Er…
see: http://groups.google.com/group/stomp-spec/browse_thread/thread/8812531abd8c4b12#
Hi all,
Pi-stomp on PI5 would be awesome!!!
Best wishes to you all!!