- Clean the pictures after the whole process. They may look messy... And takes much space if you run the program multiple times.
- Organize the result in a file and make the program run more silen…
If i wanted to take a picture I would use a camera program. I cant even access the data of the pictures this library automaticlly takes. And it force, saves them? Whats the point?
If I wanted to l…
Where are the pictures and cool logos? Reading the source code takes too much time. This is like the DevOps of Serverless right? Please reply thanks and btw I'm going to use this in my new side projec…
I am using gphoto2 with a Sony alpha 6300. I am interested in taking pictures as fast as possible and as close as possible to the time my program sends the capture command (i can take care of …
I have a redmi 3 pro on android pie [crdroid] with magisk20
I have a sd card where i put my pictures
I have snap camera up to date, it is a free app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co…
First of all great Job. I just got to use the bot and i am very happy with it. Well done, Sir.
From my understanding its currently not possible to define the amount of images to upscale.
Hi, thanks for creating this, I was so excited to find it! My question is why it keeps taking pictures of the same page and does not move forward? I have tried to click around different points of the …
An oft-made suggestion to quickly improve per frame rendering performance of widgets that specify their contents using complex pictures is to first render them to a texture and use that texture as the…
John wishes to create a new dataset for a new location. On tapping the ‘+’ button, John is shown the menu where he is asked to enter the location name for the dataset and the current date is automatic…
email acceptance of pictures
azure funtion which takes them and uploads them to user associated posting