Are there any plans to update the Xamarin.Android bindings (and the generator it self) to support C# 8 nullability?
Since Kotlin adoption by Google the Java Android SDK and the AndroidX l…
Unable to copy file "..\AssetQueryApp\wwwroot\css\AssetQuery.css" to "C:\Users\HANN~1.HAN\AppData\Local\Temp\Xamarin\HotRestart\Signing\AssetQueryApp.iOS.app\out\Payload\AssetQueryApp.iOS.app\D:\VCSou…
### Description
We have an issue with FFImageLoading used in Xamarin.Forms (iOS). Based on this repo https://github.com/twintechs/TwinTechsFormsLib/blob/master/TwinTechsForms/TwinTechsForms.Core/XL…
### Steps to Reproduce
1. Generate bindings to any library with static interface method
2. Set Minimum Android version to API Level 23 or lower
3. Call static interface method
### Steps to Reproduce
I used to write article about Android bindings with workaround for bindings generator not generating types with strong cycles.
Read point 6. and "7. We Know The Reason For Fai…
## Summary
I think it's worth adding support for this out of the box. This will be the equivalent for XAML. This will give you a lower threshold for MAUI entry if you have experience with blazor. It'…
Using Visual Studio 2022 with Windows 10 and using the Nuget package restore system doesn't work.
This means you cannot build the project to debug on a device or emulator. This is caused by devenv…
During execution
Didn't find class "org.tensorflow.lite.Interpreter" on path: DexPathList[[sip file ""/data/app/~~_L8pALU3K30Ih0QNAXfnUw==/au.com.someapp-xrobOHSGY_trXS_n14eRQ==/base.apk"],nat…
I really would love to see Fork running on Linux. Are there any plans for this?
Best regards,
Hi @TobiasBuchholz , recently Apple requested app developers to provide a way for their users to delete their account.
I was happy to find the _DeleteAsync_ method under **CrossFirebaseAuth.Current…