It appears that some of the Testbed 1 Inundation Tropical VIMS_SELFE runs are using `wwm_7` for wave direction, and others are using `wwm_15` for wave direction (these `wwm_15` output files were ren…
Cell 13 show that all the Sea Level data found for SECCORA using `sos_name = 'water_surface_height_above_reference_datum'` is `MLLW`. However, `NAVD` is desirable for the model observation comparison…
I believe the openDAP link for this dataset is dead, should it be repaired or removed?
Apparently it's not always the case that the current directory is the one that the running notebook is in. On the testbed notebook server, the current directory remains at the top of the tree even w…
Hi @assefay
Would you like to take a look in this failing test:
@bnfish @kknee we need a spot for one legend / layer on the map view. The legends will look something like this, http://comt.sura.org:8080/wms/datasets/inundation_extratropical_UMASS_FVCOM_2007_3D_fi…
I have union aggregated the 11 WaveWatch 3 test datasets using NcML, which [worked great](http://comt.sura.org/thredds/dodsC/comt_2_full/pr_inundation_tropical/EMC_ADCIRC-WW3/Dec2013Storm_2D_prelimina…
In notebooks like
I suppose we can't make the dots scale…
Substitute `nearxy` and `find_ij` for Scipy's KDTree and test if this approach is faster and more general to both structured and unstructured models.
@bnfish @kknee I think the catalog listing needs a bit of cleanup.
- The (currently 3) category tabs at the top are off center and look a bit lost.
- Everything looks like a link. The things that sho…