### What version of gRPC and what language are you using?
grpc-node 1.21.1
### What operating system (Linux, Windows,...) and version?
### What runtime / compiler are you using …
I am trying to implement raw socket. I modified the data structure in iface/any_socket and added some tests. Here are some of the modifications:
pub type RawTcpSocket = smoltcp::socket::tcp:…
> I don't see the way to configure to which address the inv_sig_helper is listening on. Is it done on purpose or an oversight?
> I'm thinking about docker, where each service has its separ…
We use consul for storing pillar configuration... We're using consul 1.8.5, python-consul 1.1.0 and salt-master 3002.2-1
We are noticing stale connections between salt-master worker …
*@ndusart commented on Apr 9, 2020, 8:52 AM UTC:*
clang-tidy warns me about possible use-after-free when I'm constructing a `boost::asio::tcp::socket`. It seems to happen when it construct an ex…
ghost updated
3 years ago
**Describe the bug**
ubuntu 20.04 5.15.0-40-generic
I'm newer to redroid, succeed in docker build and the vm runs well. But when launched other apps like …
We have a streaming service that uses gRPC with Unix sockets.
The gRPC performs way better with Unix socks in comparison with a TCP port. I saw that you can only change the port in the triton server…
Here's my log for this untested device:
[5/20/2021, 8:55:32 PM] [eufy] Error getting brightness on device: Ceiling Fan Bulb 1 - Error: Socket closed without sending response
at Timeout.…
1. What did you do? If possible, provide a simple script for reproducing the error.
发生问题的场景是:在微信小程序手机端使用mqtt.js连接swoole websocket服务器,发送连接报文时卡住,卡在MQTT那个位置,等到前端关闭连接,才会一起收到数据。通过Nginx代理swoole可以正常接收。已排除…
I ran into 3 problems building on MinGW:
1) The 'mbed' libraries require libbcrypt and libws2_32 to link, at least when a static version of libmbedtls, et al, is used. Without those two libraries…