`show_on_taskbar = no`
`hide_on_focus_lost = immediate`
If these options are enabled, the KP is displayed in the list of available windows. Although when switching (loss of focus) disappears. It's a…
As soon as I type more than 1 character, launchy 2.7.2 crashes.
I'm getting tons of these:
[Representable] Mixing user and representable options is deprecated. Please provide your options via :user_options.
[Representable] Positional arguments for `:if` are d…
This may be a google-play-deploy bug, but here's the dump. This step doesn't appear to be aligning the apk automatically. My keystore credentials have been tested locally, they are correct.
As starter code, on the README, we are told to use the Drive module thusly:
Drive = Google::Apis::DriveV2 # Alias the module
drive = Drive::DriveService.new
drive.authorization = authorization # …
## 📝 Provide a description of the new feature
There are a set of users that really love alt+space. We overrode that by default. **Note** the keystroke can be changed in the settings extremely easi…
> [8/9] RUN bundle install --no-binstubs --jobs $(nproc) --retry 3:
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/ …
### Describe the problem as clearly as you can
My global config, `~/.bundle/config`, is:
BUNDLE_PATH: "vendor/bundle"
but locally I want to cancel it and install it to …
- [x] Group commit
- [x] Figaro gem
- [x] Faraday gem
- [x] Capybara, launchy, rspec, Simplecov, pry
### Describe the problem as clearly as you can
I wanted to upgrade a specific gem in our repository (activerecord-postgis-adapter). This is the entire diff:
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemf…