> 第一遍, 通读全文,了解内容
> 第二遍,针对性阅读,并记录心得
> 第三遍,理论结合实践
## ref
- [Deep learning papers reading roadmap](https://github.com/floodsung/Deep-Learning…
I use the built-in model `--cnn crossdock_default2018` to dock my dataset firstly to get original results, and then I want to train this model using my own datasets, but I can only find `default2018.m…
### 🎯目标 2020年内发一篇SCI
### 实施途径:
#### 1. 先读20篇文献
- 泛读/略读/精读:5分钟/1小时/5小时
- 积累中英文关键词/大牛
- 综述/博士论文/相关文献/引用文献/
- 关注领域顶会/期刊,注意区分论文的质量(IF)
:key:visible light/ambient light/sensing/positioning/…
So they can do it within a iPhone processor and it takes around 5 seconds without using GPU. The result is also very good, any thoughts?
E aí @ludmattos conseguiu avançar com os textos ? Qualquer problema me avise.
# 論文情報
Yu Cheng, Duo Wang, Pan Zhou, Member, IEEE, and Tao Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE
## 一言で言うと
モデル軽量化のサーベイ論文で、4つの手法、枝刈り・量子化( PARAMETER PRUNING AND QUANTIZAT…
The goal is to build an image captioning model that generates descriptive captions for images using a combination of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for feature extraction and Long Short-Term Mem…
Thanks for sharing the code for your paper. I have read your paper and code, but the implementation of proj(x, c) function in "hyperboloid" confuses me. As far as I understanding from your pap…
How to cite your work? Which paper are related to the project? If I use your code which paper should be referenced?
Thanks you very much!
Best regard.
Yu Gu