New data as of 21-11-2022 22:58:23
Set Temp: 40
Current Temp: 40
New data as of 21-11-2022 22:59:23
Set Temp: 40
Current Temp: 40
ERROR:asyncio:Task exception was never retrieved
This is more of a general question: would it be feasible to add option so that each attribute to be separate entry on the MQTT path. So instead of:
`zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002219 {"battery":"39.00","vo…
## Expected Behavior
I have a homie device with name "smartdevice" which publishes a node with name "dht22-room".
Information are sent from the device via mqtt via
homie/smartdevice/$nodes = dht22-…
I have add this onConnect:
Serial.print("ESP32 FREE RAM: "); Serial.print(ESP.getFreeHeap() / 1024.0, 2); Serial.println("KB");
and connect and disconnect a client many times. As i can see the RA…
I am currently developing an application using the homie convention. This involves a lot of testing and prototyping. Sadly, when I add new nodes or properties to my device, this isn't re…
#### Issue description:
auto crafting octupled compressed cobblestone corrupts world (playing on skyfactory 3.0.6)
#### What happens:
after flicking the lever to start autocrafting server skips…
Here is my repo, and might be giving some insights
I have some code like this:
const [execute, { data, loading }] = useLazyQuery(query, {
fetchPolicy: "network-only",
nextFetchPolicy: "cache-first",
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true…
## Expected Behavior
When my humidity sensor is sending a value of e.g. 60 % to openHAB I expect the number item to show 60.
## Current Behavior
The value in the number item is 0.60 instead of 60…
As I see, currently the server can be run only as cli and read the config from /.homie. I would love to be able to import it into my app and provide config as object. Is there a chance for that?