This is a tracking issue for the RFC "Add support to Cargo for alternative registries" (rust-lang/rfcs#2141).
- [x] Implement the `registries` key in `.cargo/config` and Cargo.toml - …
Right now it's using rakudobrew, which is discouraged, and takes around 15 minutes to build. Using either docker containers (which can be tagged for versions) or @nxadm's distros would be infinitely f…
I went through the link given in artifactory configuration pdf. It says "simply unzip the Artifactory download file to a location on your file system". There is no command given nor is there any …
Try this:
1, In project build.gradle, add
maven {
url "https:/…
When running the command below from Powershell I get an error saying Wrong number of arguments. The same command runs successfully from the Windows command prompt on my Windows 10 local machine. Howev…
[kchou@den02tez ndbench]$ gradle --stacktrace | more
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '/scratch/kchou/netflix/real_netflix/ndbench/build.gradle' line: 14
* What w…
## Feature:
The number and types of Ansible Service Broker Registrys that are supported are very limited. Our company would like to use Jfrog's Artifactory, but at a minimum, I would hope that a regu…
Currently the picocli jar is an automatic module (manifest has `Automatic-Module-Name: info.picocli`).
> A JLink trimmed binary image needs explicit modules. This means the jar needs to include a …
Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.1
Gradle 4.4
Walle 1.1.5
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/android/builder/Version
at com.meituan.android.walle.GradlePlugin.apply(GradlePlugi…
Can't install with `brew install allure`
$ brew install allure
==> Downloading https://dl.bintray.com/qameta/generic/io/qameta/allure/allure/2.7.0/allure-2.7.0.zip
curl: (22) The requested U…