### ROS2 Version
### Version
### Installation
### What happened?
I am trying to build aerostack2 as2_behaviors_perception with gcc 13.2 and opencv 4.6, but the build failed…
## Describe the bug
The docker build is failing due to aruco not being installed with OpenCV on main
=> ERROR [18/20] RUN set -x && git clone https://github.com/stella-cv/stel…
## Build opencv from source to special need
Need to install build tools and dependencies for opencv in the conda env.
Looks like a nodejs issue, takes forever to build locally to get to this state, if i install nodejs manually, it kicks it out and wants nodejs-lts-erbium witch is behind v14 witch would fix this bug a…
## :sparkles: Summary of Pull Requests Pending Review!
### :ballot_box_with_check: Selection Criteria:
- There has been at least one approval on the head commit
- The last commit occurred after any …
### System Information
- OpenCV version: 4.8.0
- Operating System / Platform: macOS 13.3.1
- Compiler & compiler version:
Apple clang version 14.0.3 (clang-1403.
Target: arm6…
看了一下有许多,其中比如"memcpy": function does not take 2 arguments
此外,最新的 release没有head ratio这个输入参数,是否这个release并非源码编译的?
We wanted to use the robot hand-eye calibration for calibrating a zed mini camera connected to the robot hand.
These are the problems we faced:
- as documented in https://github.com/pairlab/franka_…
### Descripe the feature and motivation
When running `connectedComponentsWithStats` on an array with more than 2^16 objects using `ltype=CV_16U`, the application crashes instead of raising some sort …
##### System information (version)
- OpenCV => git master (commit 6936ec7dbd)
- OpenCV contrib => git master (commit 09fd78e4551)
- Operating System / Platform => Mac OS X 10.13.1
- Compiler => …