Hi everyone- thank you for this great code!
I am making light curves for some targets and I notice some artifacts in a few of them even though I am exclusively using the '0' data quality flag.
Looks like Metron search based a parsed file name (auto-tagging) is failing some cases.
A series title with colons (`:`) and slashes (`/`) will of have those replaced with space-minus-space (` - `)…
Need to change tfc:lard/schmaltz to artisanal:lard/schmaltz
Creating this issue to start/consolidate discussions on Unreadable fields and how they should be treated by the AIPs.
Unreadable fields are defined as fields whose current state cannot be determine…
It would be nice to clean the CMakeLists to follow modern cmake guidelines (there's a bunch of articles here https://github.com/onqtam/awesome-cmake, I also have a few tutorials [here](https://…
Hello @lhilarides nad @klongleywood!
I have a [design proposal](https://www.figma.com/proto/GJCx8yGfx6JERPuxlpG3nK/Mangrove-Watch-%5BInternal%5D?page-id=3086%3A37760&type=design&node-id=3086-37761&…
### To begin
* [x] `pr_init("upkeep-2024-10")`
### Pre-history
* [ ] `usethis::use_readme_rmd()`
* [x] `usethis::use_roxygen_md()`
* [x] `usethis::use_github_links()`
* [ ] `usethis::use_p…
As I understood it is possible to disable `pkg-config` for a single dependency using `FOO_NO_PKG_CONFIG`.
However, I didn't see any way to disable this for all crates. Similar to the `PKG_CONFIG_AL…
ctron updated
2 years ago