Hi, Wei @weiliu89 :
Thanks for your awesome code!
I am working on porting the work of SSD to equip base net other than the specialized VGG16 in your original paper. One of the most important mo…
Hey! I'm receiving the following error and can't seem to figure out how to solve it. Anyone has any idea?
I trained a caffemodel with caffe (https://github.com/weiliu89/caffe/tree/ssd) and got map=77.8% in pascal VOC;
then I transfer caffemodel to ckpt with caffe_to_tensorflow.py and only got map=67%
I am getting some kind of segmentation fault and i don't know why
Here is my test of the program
./runYolov3 --caffemodel=./yolov3_608.caffemodel --prototxt=./yolov3_608.prototxt --input=dog.j…
The caffemodel share link has been deactived. Could you please share another link?
Thank you very much.
wtbsw updated
4 years ago
I use opencv to load the trained caffe model, but failed, Can you give me some advice to solve it? thx a lot~
1、I downloaded the 3Dircadb database.
2、I downloaded the Cascaded-FCN code from https://github.com/IBBM/Cascaded-FCN.
3、I downloaded the step1_weights.caffemodel(https://www.…
模型来源: CAFFE
模型说明: RCF边缘检测,其相应GitHub:https://github.com/yun-liu/RCF
模型文件:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vscZPDIWE3tia9V-1Fo7OQ 提取码:c2ya
paddle.__version__ = 2.1.1
Now trans…
hello,thanks for your work. I want to use the pre-trained caffemodel that training from my own dataset to output the colored images.First I find colorize.py( Test-Time Python Script) and replace defa…
I cannot download Resnet-50-model.caffemodel from your link.plz guide me....