Just an idea that came to my head and maybe we are doing it already but I'm not aware of it. As the main objective of coala-quickstart is to perform all the boilerplate work and simplify the usage of …
from @underyx
It takes about 3 seconds to run in command line, but it will be like a minute when using the plug-in.
Is it scanning only the current file or not?
See https://github.com/marketplace/category/code-quality
I guess coala would be much more popular if it can be made a GitHub App.
This means coala needs to be run as a web service, deployed some…
The following is quite old.
It can be replaced by a new one like in [coala](https://…
Presently, bower installs dependencies when user runs `coala-html` first time. We should implement this installation process when user installs `coala-html` via `pip`.
[Language server](https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol) is supported by [many editors/IDEs](https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/wiki/Protocol-Implementations#editors…
rultor doesnt accept commands by email on GitHub PRs.
e.g. https://github.com/coala/coala-bears/pull/1254#issuecomment-270348630
There can be a tab for LogMessages (for https://github.com/coala-analyzer/coala-html/issues/15)
And another tab for "settings" which has the coafile
As https://github.com/coala/coala-vim/pull/27/files does for `vim-plug`; we can ultimately choose to keep the entire installation methods or we can list out which package managers support the installa…