--Now I am about to fix it as well as update the mapping file.
## ENH: Linked Datasets (RDF)
- This is very much a meta issue.
- There are a number of bare links here.
- They are for documentation
(original: https://github.com/pydata/pandas/issues/3402)
### Use …
This issue follows https://github.com/DDMAL/linkedmusic-datalake/issues/118.
I made a document named "AccountForReconciliation" in the-session-correction branch > csv2rdf > thesession.
I would really find it easier to use GeoSPARQL for the representation of shapes like polygons or polylines, instead of gtfs:Shape, which is rather ad-hoc and coming directly from GTFS. This would ensu…
Recently, there’s been some discussion about alternative Metadata formats that may emerge in the future [[1]](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-csv-wg/2015Apr/0090.html) [[2]](https://twitte…
Currently, the csv2rdf accepts command line arguments that define a number of input files. The entity mapping for those files is provided in the `mapping.json` file. The command line arguments and the…
Current behavior of the "Download Data Package" button is to redirect the user to the dumps folder.
It could make more sense if it could give the option to get the dataset in various formats (FDP, R…
Document the process for reconciling CSV files using OpenRefine—for The Session.
- どういった方針ですすめるべきか
- この部分は決めるべきなんじゃないか
Different approaches to process the session raw CSVs:
1. fetch all CSVs to local, reconcile them one by one, reorder the columns by renaming and making the ids for each CSV their first column, then u…