I have sent you an email for your dataset. Could please check your mailbox.
Expect your reply
how to contact the author for the dataset? I cannot find an email address in the repo. Also the paper has not been released...
Thank you for your work. It’s great. I would like to ask when the dataset will be published. I have sent an email request, but I have not received any reply.
I conducted several experiments with the model: both on my dataset and on a portion of CelebA-Spoof. In any scenario, the model seemed to produce a huge amount of false positives: 60% of real images w…
I have reimplement the paper. How ever my implement cost a lot of memory with a just resnet50 backbone, which is very strange. The paper said one P100 can hold a batchsize of 4. Can you give more det…
Hello Henry,
I am very interested in your work and hope to re-train the network in both synthetic and real datasets. However, I notice that in .py file evaluate_real_savefig.py line 285 self.kcam…
## ❓ Questions and Help
Hi, suppose I have `PolyvoreOutfits` dataset and a list of image ids (like `questions` attr in `ocir_disjoint_test.json`), how can I predict the `blank` id for OCIR task?
Hi marlin-codes,
Thanks for this very informative repository, we are the authors of
[Searching for actions on the hyperbole](https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPR_2020/papers/Long_Searching…
I got access to the OULU dataset, and it contains .txt and .avi files. This repo refers to image and .dat files as (1_1_22_4_107_scene.dat). How can I get these files?