Exclude external libs d3js, foundation and tablesaw from code and add download script to build / documentation of git clone / downloadlinks to readme.
Can we make these bar charts clickable? I don't see any documentation for this.
![ngx charts angular2 and d3js charting framework](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7784136/46135928-03bc7280…
I would have left a comment on the blog but could not find that feature. Awesome work by the way!
It would be great if you could add an example of how this sort of approach could be generalized to…
There is a [plugin for d3js](https://github.com/d3/d3-plugins/tree/master/graph) for working with graph stuctures.
We need to look at it.
_Looks awesome!_ 👓
Duration: 7 weeks, and ties into their "Data Science" track.
Some options:
d3js and graphviz are currently used. Investigate alternatives
Could you please release the latest version, (7.8.0), of D3JS library ?
Thank you in advance :)
Enable varying the weights inside a browser. Since we have no "truth values" to compare against, we've had to estimate weights using expertise, and people can always question that. A solution that G…
Dar soporte a la exportación del dataset en formatos como JSON y GEXF lo haría fácilmente procesable en herramientas de visualizacion para graphos como d3js y Gephi.