## Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear adapter developer,
I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I h…
### branch
### Architecture
### Description
Cannot upgrade system and packages (using `yay`)
> yay -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
In WordPress 6.5 wordt een Plugin Dependencies check ingebouwd. Er wordt nu een eigen gebouwde `PluginChecker` class gebruikt. Ik zou graag de Core variant willen gaan gebruiken.
[Meer informatie o…
## Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear adapter developer,
I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I h…
## Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear adapter developer,
I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I h…
## Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear adapter developer,
I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I h…
## Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear adapter developer,
I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I h…
## Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear adapter developer,
I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I h…
## Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear adapter developer,
I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I h…
## Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear adapter developer,
I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I h…