The following 4 files in the repo and on jsdelivr.net appear to have document.write calls to add scripts from http://fargo.io, not the new //cdn.jsdelivr.net locations causing https instances of river…
Hi, first of all thanks for this awesome package sir. the only problem is when i use `vertico` and if i type `emojify-insert-emoji` it only display non color emoji.
With vertico:
![with vertico]…
I find this package great for viewing emoji in emacs, thre's just one related bit of functionality I'd love to see.
For documents like emails I type in Emacs, I'd love it if my ascii emoji …
Hi, tnx for a great tool!
I'm experiencing some difficulties in several text combinations such as this one:
In my case, the 2nd :innocent: is replaced and emo…
``` html
Emoji-Support with this syntax https://www.webpagefx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/ would be nice.
Please put this on [bower](http://bower.io) :)
The problem here is that, e.g., `:thisemoji:` emacs understand as 11 char length and not 1 as it should understand. I guess other tools that relies on char width become broken with `emojify-mode` as w…
new test issue