Would you be open to support http4s `1.0.0-M` series as well?
E.g. in another branch, publishing with another artifact id?
Totally fine, of course if you'd rather not, but if you do I am happy to…
I'm working on a project with http4s and guardrail. When I generate both server and client code, I end up with duplicate response models in the same package, which of course fails compilation ("G…
I tried to use the `x-empty-is-null` attribute for generating our http4s server code, but it appears that it's only supported correctly for akka-http? Any plan on supporting this for http4s also?
Code like this:
if (buffer.startsWith(Shared.`\r\n`.toArray)) {
Terra/Cromwell workflows using data that has been exported from the UChicago Gen3/Windmill system or the HCA Data Browser with DRS URI data references frequently (always?) fail in the Ammonite script …
A common complaint is about the _enormous_ amount of imports it takes to do stuff. e.g. https://github.com/http4s/http4s/discussions/6696
What if ... we just exported a bunch of useful stuff under …
Tapir version: All
Scala version: 3
There is no `tapir-http4s-client` artifact for Scala Native. Native server module is already provided.
Hey Team `http4s` - hope you are well.
Is there any reason why the `status` label isn't added when observing the response time - https://github.com/http4s/http4s-prometheus-metrics/blob/series/0.24…
I couldn't figure out how to upload an image file to the server using the HTTP method with Tyrian. I couldn't find any code examples. Help me please to understand how to do this correctly.
Watchlistarr is causing Sonarr to spit out the following warning logs. Probably not a big deal, but just something I noticed.
`ImportListExclusionController | API call made to deprecated endpoint f…