I have an experiment wih a whitelist composed of 35 barcodes (60bp long, non standard technology in development) and when I try to run bustools correct I immediately obtain :
Since `HDF5` seems to cause several unresolved issues (#58, #79 , #82, ...?) and it doesn't seem essential for `kallisto`'s core functionality (using the `--plaintext` option) it might be worthwhile t…
sleuth_prep seems to always error with "subscript out of bounds" during step "normalizing est_counts". I'm trying this on my own data since, as others have pointed out, the link to the sample data is …
Right now we can build the kallisto package. What we want next is to find another project with a CMakeList and make sure that our program can build that project too, while still being able to build ka…
I am getting an error while indexing of the BAM files. I have installed the tool using conda. So the kallisto version is at 0.44 as mentioned. Below is STDOUT
Results stored in: stra…
031$s is called `Validity` and is from the Swiss instance of Muscat. Codes were used to indicate degree of editorial intervention in the music incipit. From the Swiss guidelines:
`?` There is a mista…
Hello, I want to use `Metakallisto` to determine the abundance of multiple genomes from a clade in different metagenomic samples. However, I find the documentation lacking, and I have several question…
1. webscraping_api
- plant cyc
- ChatGPT?
2. data-parsing
- fasta manipulation. read / write fasta files. Removing sequences based on SeqID. Retaining primary transcripts based on…
I downloaded Kallisto via a conda environment on my VM that uses Ubuntu, it seemed like it was installed correctly; however, when I tried to run a script that uses kallisto index and quant, …
Soheil and Jenny have had issues pulling up lncRNAs - check to make sure these aren't being filtered/removed from the counts. Jenny is using GRCh 38 annotations, so we likely just need to map between…