您好,打扰了!你们的算法真厉害,我们已经可以用它跑通模拟了,现在想在我们实验室的机器人上做测试。理论上应该只需要提供lidar和odometry数据来实现探索路径规划,我们现在也有自己的mapping和odometry,所以我们一开始就只是remap我们的数据和话题到 `/jackal/velodyne/gazebo_gt/odometry` 和 `/jackal/velodyne/velodyn…
Instead of subscribing to an odometry topic, you could just transform the lidar point cloud to the odom frame.
This would allow your localization package to fix the error that odometry makes.…
Hello, I'm new to try LIO-SAM by my own data. Initially my Lidar TF drift a little but reconstruct doesn't failed (Really god bless). But after my AMR go straight it will jump and then fail reconstruc…
I have a wheel odometry and I am producing this TF and publishing odom topic based on encoders.
Now, I have a visual odometry in place (orb slam) and I can produce a PoseWithCovariance type me…
Dear @matlabbe thank you and your team for providing this extremely useful package.
After reading the documentation, my understanding is that the algorithm accepts different sources for odometry (o…
In ros_calib_init.cpp,
/// Handle Lidar measurement
sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr s_lidar = m.instantiate();
if (s_lidar != nullptr && m.getTopic() == topic_lidar) {
Firstly, thank you for developing and sharing the Direct LiDAR-Inertial Odometry (DLIO) project. I have been using it extensively with large datasets such as KITTI, which cover long distances a…
I would like to create an odometry with Lidar Hokuyo.
I run ros2_laser_scan_matcher and i launch urg_node2 for the communication with Lidar.
The topic of Lidar is /scan
However, i don't …
Hello. Thank you for sharing your great work and dataset.
I've tried running Co-LRIO using ROS2 Humble in Ubuntu 22.04.
The problem is, as soon as I run "run.launch.py" and play one of S3Ev2 bag…
Hi. First of all, I would like to appreciate your excellent work. Thank you making it open source and sharing it. I have tested the algorithm with several kitti sequences. The interesting thing is tha…