I have evaluated different SLAM software with the Livox Horizon LiDAR (cartographer, hdl_graph_slam, livox_mapping, etc.) and it seems 'lili-om' is the most robust SLAM for such a LiDAR - cong…
I have successfully built the ACSC workspace and instead of passing parameters, have configured the lidar_camera_calibration.launch file as follows:
I then do t…
Hi sir,
Is it possible to run livox_ros_driver2 in Ubuntu Docker on window host?
I have test livox_ros_driver2 work in Ubuntu docker container on Ubuntu host,
docker command is docker run -it --na…
Squek updated
10 months ago
I have used 2 horizon lidars and a livox-hub.
I connected the livox-hub by using livox_hub_rviz.launch.
I received the topic of /livox/lidar one by one, but I could not receive pointCloud2 data of 2…
您好, @JokerJohn ,使用livox horizon+内置imu建图时直接跑飞。请问有没有解决思路?
What is the usage of the extrinsic_parameter configuration parameter? I am using a Mid-360 LiDAR. Will it, e.g., affect the output on the topic `/livox/imu`?
I want to turn my livox on and off via software. I have a similar application to [issue 94](https://github.com/Livox-SDK/Livox-SDK/issues/94) and I don't want my Livox running 24/7
I am trying to u…
Grudz updated
2 years ago
- 我用的是你们云盘上的数据,运行软件时,黑屏,报错,
-这是我设置的文件路径 common:
image_file: "/home/lk/catkin_ws/src/livox_camera_calib/data/single_scene_calibration/0.png"
pcd_file: "/home/lk/catkin_ws/src/livox_camera_ca…
I am experiencing an issue where I am unable to view the map in Rviz after recording a rosbag using the command:
roslaunch livox_ros_driver livox_lidar_rviz.launch
I am running this command from…
I use the command `roslaunch livox_ros_driver lvx_to_rosbag.launch lvx_file_path:="~/Desktop/test.lvx"` to convert **test.lvx** to **test.bag**. But an error occured.
REQUIRED process [livox_lid…