When I try to run adminlte-laravel install, I get an error:
/Volumes/HD 2/Users/olaf/.composer/vendor/bin/llum package AdminLTE
sh: /Volumes/HD: No such file or directory
Any idea why?
Hello, can you please provide some more details on Installing AdminLTE over an existing Laravel 5.4 Project ?
I see I should use Llum, but it still feels like lot of details are lacking.
If you coul…
## Detailed description
Executing `make:menu` is failing. Following the README I end up doing this:
`$ php artisan make:menu /contact`
And see:
sed: can't read /path/to/laravel-with-a…
## Detailed description
For admin purpose , I may want to keep the main header part stay on top. but after I put some test menus in sidebar. the right side content's height enlarge accordingly…
I am trying to create a fresh installation for Acacha/AdminLTE-Laravel and something is not right. The page does not have the layout like in the demo and the icons do not work.
## Detailed d…
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Acacha\Llum\Console\BootCommand::serve() must implement interface Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface, none given, called in /home…
## Detailed description
In a fresh laravel 5.4 installation, after running the
php artisan make:adminUserSeeder
File /home/sergi/Code/AdminLTE/acacha/adminlte-laravel_test/database…
See http://acacha.org/mediawiki/Spatie/laravel-menu#Proves_per_adminlte
- Replace sidebar.blade.php with sidebar_with_spatie_menu.blade.php
- Install spatie/laravel-menu (be careful only support P…
mysql> show processlist;
ERROR 1045 (#2800): Max connect timeout reached while reaching hostgroup 1 after 503ms
Error 1045 is misleading because that's what MySQL returns for access denied requests:
i've tried to install the `v2.0` installer on a fresh http://box.scotch.io vagrant box but failed:
vagrant@scotchbox:/var/www$ composer global require "acacha/adminlte-laravel-installer=~2.0"