First tab in paragraph is ignorred during conversion OpenXml Word file into HTML by WmlToHtmlConverter.ConvertToHtml().
As result layout is corrupted and words are overlaped each other.
# dotnet OpenXML 解析 PPT 图表 面积图入门
dotnet OpenXML 解析 PPT 图表 面积图入门
It would be wonderful if this provider could achieve full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on an Excel table. Currently I am using this for reading and OpenXML SDK for writing.
Is this a:
- [X] Issue with the OpenXml library
- [ ] Question on library usage
The OpenXml SDK doesn't seem to contain definitions for elements in the A16 namespace (http://…
# dotnet OpenXML 使用 MAUI 渲染 PPT 的面积图图表
dotnet OpenXML 使用 MAUI 渲染 PPT 的面积图图表
when save ExcelDocument from OpenXML And try to use it with odbc client it's thrown external table is not in expected format Exception in C#
there's an a way to use openxml documents in odbc!?
my g…
## Read and complete the full issue template
Do not randomly delete sections. They are here for a reason.
**Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*?**
- [x] Bug
- [ ] Feature
- […
`PresentationDocument.Save()` doesn't apply changes that are deleting presentation sections. It works if I call `doc.Close()` _(check Repro)_, but I don't wanna close presentation b…
I get the Exception Invalid Hyperlink: Malformed URI is embedded as a hyperlink in the document.
bei DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.OpenXmlPackage.Load()
bei DocumentFormat.OpenXml.…
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.OpenXmlPackageException:“The specified package is invalid. The main part is missing.”