The idea from the start was that all pyang functionality should be available to some other python program that just imports pyang. Unfortunately, over time too much logic is done in the executable sc…
Consider the following module:
module example-model {
namespace "urn:xml:ns:test";
prefix ex;
grouping group-with-ref {
leaf grouped-ref {
type lea…
Hi Martin,
pyang will report an error when I use a YANG module which a default value meets the regex pattern restrictions in a leaf node.
As I known, in common regular expression, `\w` is equivale…
I believe I've found a bug related to deviations within pyang DSDL plugin.
Deviations allow you to reference targets via absolute-schema-node-id which
means that it can reference anything in the…
I believe I've found a bug related to deviations within pyang DSDL plugin.
Deviations allow you to reference targets via absolute-schema-node-id which
means that it can reference anything in the…
Hi Rob,
While generating bindings for a model in RFC 8040 Section 8 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8040#section-8), pyangbind is reporting an exception that seem to be a bug. The model (simplified…
In the above image I have a yang model with leaf-list with multiple defaults. when I tried to use p…
I believe I've found a bug related to deviations within pyang DSDL plugin.
Deviations allow you to reference targets via absolute-schema-node-id which
means that it can reference anything in the…
Validating the Core IM 1.4.1 with pyang --lint core-model.yang
results in
core-model-1-4.yang:1694: error: keyword "path" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
(Might already be fixe…
Can we use pyang in a python program? Can anyone help providing some links where such an example code is provided. I tried to use pyang to
1) load yang file
2) parse it in to statements and ...