hello, I think your work is really excellent.
Well, it is a little difficult for me to scannet visualization , could you offer me your code? Thank you so much.
First of all, thank you for publishing your implementation.
I want to generate the ScanNet dataset using the learned weights.
For this, from the huggingface, I downloaded the files including last.…
Hi there,
I have been testing on your segmentation network for quite some time now, but recently i found out that i might need a dataset more like the ScanNet.
I was wondering if there was a Log…
11/25 16:48:43 - mmengine - INFO - Adafactor is already registered in optimizer at torch.optim. Registration ignored.
In the data preparation stage, what does the bold area do and where are those parameter values come from (1.5, 0.2, etc) ?
Thank you very much for the help!
class ScannetDatasetWholeScene():
Add [ScanNet](http://www.scan-net.org/) to datasets. An example of how to do this can be found for [ModelNet](https://github.com/tensorflow/graphics/tree/master/tensorflow_graphics/datasets/modelnet40…
For the scannet preprocessed data, are you using scannet v1 or v2?
Hi, @donydchen, I want to use MVSplat to create a virtual apartment tour application. Could you suggest some relevant datasets that I can use to fine-tune MVSplat? Thank you very much!
Thanks for you excellent work!
I have tried it on ScanNet datsets, however, I got a totally bad results. This is the reconstruction results after 30k iters:
where the gt mesh is like:
I first want to thank you for your amazing model, which we already successfully applied in CAD piece segmentation to retrieve the recto, verso and deburring of sheets metal. Here is some result o…