It would be nice if commands like `compute-envs list` returned python objects instead of strings that need to be parsed to get the data. e.g.
from seqerakit import seqeraplatform
tw = seqerapla…
According to @delagoya [we need to change this](https://x.com/delagoya/status/1806036909623329209) ASAP:
> I don't know who needs to hear this, but:
> If you use AWS Batch, you should default …
ewels updated
2 months ago
As documented in https://github.com/seqeralabs/wave/pull/448, Wave cannot support SHA256 tags when augmenting an image, because the image itself is changing.
When someone attempts to do this, the f…
ewels updated
5 months ago
## Background
Official Seqera deployment guidance for Tower implementations is that clients should use managed database & redis instances to ensure better data protection and application stability …
At DNGC, we encountered the following problem when trying to run nf-core pipelines from nf-tower on a HPC with no internet:
Sep-26 12:44:13.682 [main] ERROR nextflow.cli.Launcher - @unknown
Currently seqerakit does support dataset creation but to have an e2e flow where a pipeline input can reference a Seqera Platform's dataset url is necessary to use a mix of python and yaml.
It would…
Launchpad users are unable to launch pipelines by specifying the URL of the repo, similar to what currently works in Tower launchpad users are only able to launch a pipeline if a pipeline already exis…
When Wave access a private container registry and no credentials are provider the following error message is returned to the docker/nextflow client.
Task failed to start - CannotPullContaine…
The goal of this issue is to render the API docs to a HTML content by using the TypeSpec model.
This could be done by converting TypeSpec to OpenAPI/Swagger and then converting to HTML by using h…
### Background
When working on the nf-core/smrnaseq pipeline I saw an issue where a user was trying to use a gff file from a database that wasn't any of the ones that mirtop looks for ("miRBase", "Mi…