**Describe the bug**
The behavior of SmartCorrelatedSelector is unpredictable when there are features that are very similar, so similar that they have the same number of missing values or the same si…
I am trying to reproduce the experiments from your paper. I was able to run the code for synthetic datasets. But I was not able to run anything on the MovieLens100k dataset because the file "…
The CINECA synthetic datasets might be nicer than the simple one we made in plink:
They come with phe…
The Croissant file exposed by HuggingFace seems to correspond to the parquet branch of the dataset, even when the dataset is native parquet:
- https://huggingface.co/datasets/mlfoundations/dclm-bas…
fylux updated
2 weeks ago
Getting this error when running app.py:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "app.py", line 467, in
app = WebApp(debug_mode=False)
File "app.py", line 141, in __init__
There are outhers datasets on grouplens site. Datasets are:
- [ ] MovieLens 25M Dataset
- [ ] MovieLens Latest Datasets (small)
- [ ] MovieLens Latest Datasets (large)
- [ ] MovieLens 1B Synthet…
### Describe the issue
Hello, thanks for your important work!
Recently I was using the 3D Front data set to render a synthetic data set and blenderproc to render the 3D front data set. I found that …
We propose SceneVerse, the first million-scale 3D vision-language dataset with 68K 3D indoor scenes and 2.5M vision-language pairs. SceneVerse contains 3D scenes curated from diverse existing datasets…
I'm trying to download blender dataset with `ns-download-data blender` command. Got RetrievalError:
gdown.exceptions.FileURLRetrievalError: Failed to retrieve file url:
Cannot retriev…
Interesting paper from EPFL/UCL just published which describes a privacy metric applicable to dataset synthesis and makes comparisons using various synthetic methods and datasets (including CTGAN). Ca…